Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Our Writing Tools

For writing these are some of the tools we use in class. Everyone has a blend chart with an alphabet card on the back. This is attached to their books so they flip it out before they start writing. They can use this as a reminder as they write.  

These are our learning cards. Everyone has a learning card inside their book that they put out at writing time. This is to remind them of their goal in writing. 

This is the first writing rocket that everyone has in their books. When they use something off the rocket - like full stops, finger spaces, word endings etc - they get a tick in that box. When they get five ticks, it gets signed and a sticker put on it. That means they have mastered it. Once each part of the rocket has a sticker on it, they are ready for the next one. The ticking and putting stickers on really helps them to see what part of the writing rocket they need to work on next. 

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