Monday, February 27, 2017

Swimming Sports

Room 1 and 2 are having their Junior Swimming Sports next Tuesday 7th March at the school pool. It will be starting at 1:30 - 3. You are welcome to take your child home after the event. If the weather is not the best, we will have it the following day. We will need some people to help hand out sticks for 1st 2nd and 3rd place but we can sort that out on the day. Hope to see you there!


Here are a few pictures from last Friday. We have been looking at the Gruffalo story and are in the process of making our own one. Here are the start of our Gruffalo. 

If you missed are the super stars for week 2. We still need to get a picture from the ones from Week 3. 

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Lost Property

We have a couple of items that don't seem to want to be claimed... they're in class if you recognise them :) 

The pants are size 6. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Jump Jam

We've started fitness in the mornings and this week we are in the hall for Jump Jam! We have to follow the dance moves and it is a lot of fun. 
Here are some pictures from today. 

Monday, February 20, 2017

Library Books

Library Books: thanks for sending library books to school today. 
The library computer is being up dated at the moment - so we didn't get to issue new books. We should be able to use it tomorrow. The books are all in the box ready to go! 

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

A bit of our day

We did our first piece of writing in our writing books today! We were learning how to write tricky words. We say the word, stretch it out slowly and then write down the sounds we can hear. We don't have to ask how to spell something. We give it a go all by ourselves!  

 For swimming this afternoon we hopped into the pool in a different way. We learned how do a 'safe entry'. Now we know how to use the ladder and get in from the side as well. 

We got to swim under water and find the rings! 

Here are our class jobs. The jobs get swapped each week. We work with a buddy once we have packed up our bag at the end of the day. We have a tidy up song - the goal is to be finished our job before the song is finished! 

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Cake Walk and Meet the Teacher

Just a reminder that the cake walk is this Thursday - if it's wet it will be in the hall. Please bring one item of baking per family to help contribute to the Cake Walk. These can be delivered to the hall on Thursday morning. To join in for a round is 50c. It should be a great afternoon!

Meet the Teacher :)

Do you want the chance to see the classroom? Would you like to know a bit more about what happens in Room 2? Would you like to know how you can support your child's learning at home? Then "meet the teacher" is just the thing for you.

Meet the teacher is an informative afternoon which will be covering the following things...
- class routines
- my approach to teaching and learning
- ways to support learning at home and expectations for home learning
- our professional development focus for this year

I know things can be pretty busy but it would be great to see you there! 3:15 - 3:45

Home Learning Books

Home Learning books will be starting week 3 - that way all the stationary will be in and sorted out. I'll put the reading egg login inside the home learning book as well.

There is no specific home work for this week. If they have readers in their book bags, they can read them. Otherwise you can read stories from home and enjoy settling back into school routine :)

Here are a few pictures of the things we need to do each morning before school starts 

Put our book bag in the box 
Put our home learning book in the
pile for Miss Monteith

Put our bag away nicely
Answer the question of the day

And we're ready for learning!

After that we can choose some things to play with in the classroom or out on the playground. 


Saturday, February 11, 2017

Swimming Days

Room 2 swims Monday - Thursday each week at the moment. We don't swim on Fridays as our swimming slot is during assembly and we can't really miss out on that. 

Reading Eggs

Room 2 will be using "Reading Eggs" again this year. Your child will receive their "Reading Egg" login and password in the front of their home learning book. There are lots of different things to do on reading eggs - make sure you have a little look :)

Once they have completed all the lessons in "Reading Eggs" (120 lessons) they can then move onto "Reading Express". It's really important that they complete the "Reading Eggs" lessons first. Let's see how many certificates we can get!

Reading Rockets

These are the reading rockets that we will be using in class. They show what types of things your child is learning to do at each level. A copy of your child's reading rocket will go in their home learning book to show you what stage they are at and some of the things they are learning to do at school in reading time. 

After one year at school students are expected to be reading stories at level 12-14 (Green) 

After two years at school students are expected to be reading stories at Level 17-18 (Turquoise) 

After three years at school students are expected to be reading stories at Level 21-22 (Gold) 

Ways to Help at Home

Here are a few ideas about reading with your child and other ways you can support your child at home. This will also be going in the home learning book. 

Here is a link to some information from NZ Education about what is expected for reading, writing and maths in each year level and ways you can support your child's learning at home.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

It's Friday!

Wow! What a very busy week we have had.
Fun Friday - we got to be creative and draw anything we wanted. There were lots of paints, pastels and colouring pencils to choose from. There are some pretty good artists in Room 2! 


We are really good at working together!  

In case you missed assembly, well done to the super stars for week 1!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Busy Thursday

Today we had to find out what colour everyone's eyes are in Room 2. We all had our own graph and had to look at people's eyes and colour in the graph. It was very busy! 

Here we are reading our poem for the day. 

Everyone from Room 2 got in the pool today!
We are getting more confident in the water which is pretty exciting and had a lot of fun. 

Room 2 love using the flutter boards and are getting more confident. The width is a little too easy now so some keen beans had a turn swimming half a length of the pool and did really well. We might be able to build up to flutter board the whole length! 

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Snap shot of our day

We have had another pretty busy day. Here is a little snap shot of some of the things we got up to...

Here is our graph about our favourite colours. We discussed the graph using words like "least, most equal". We'll be making lots of graphs this week! 

Here is our colouring checker - this helps us know if we have done a good job or need to go back and do some more. We can use the checker all by ourselves and don't have to ask Miss Monteith if it is good enough.   

We love to read different books and have a pretty comfy reading corner! The bean bags are a real hit. 

We have made a start on our books that are all about ourselves. We still have some more work to do yet. We'll be able to take them home when we are finished. 

Monday, February 6, 2017

Our First Day

Wow, first day back! Lots of new things, new class and new teacher. We did discover that most of our friends are in Room 2 as well so it has been nice catching up with them at morning tea. Here we are with our old friends...and new friends as well :)

For writing today we focused on what we like to do at school, things we find tricky and what we think school and learning is about.

We designed our own rockets on paper and are starting to make a big one to go on the wall. 
This is part of our Active Learning focus. We will be on our very own mission to learn! We will be learning about what things fuel our rocket (help us learn) and what things harm our rocket (distract or stop us from learning). 

The beginning of our Learning Rocket - NASA will be impressed :) 


We will be swimming most afternoons, as long as the weather is nice, so please help your child to remember their togs each day. We will be doing lots of water confidence activities for the children who are a little unsure around water and basic swimming skills for the more confident ones. It will be lots of fun all round :) If your child has been unwell and you would like them to stay out the water - please let me know or send them with a note - just so I know who isn't meant to swim.

We will be holding a junior swimming sports at school later on this term. I'll let you know as soon as the date has been finalised.

Stationary List

Your child will receive a stationary list tomorrow. Please let me know if you don't get one, as I will have spares in the classroom. Stationary can be purchased from the hall. Don't worry about labeling the pencils as we will be putting them together in a class set. If you want to write your child's name on the books that would be great, otherwise just send them along in their school bag. I would really like to make a start in school books week 2 - so if all the stationary could be back to school by the end of the week that would be fantastic :)

Term 1 Newsletter


Welcome to Room 2's learning blog :) This is going to be a busy place this year! It will be used for posting and sharing class learning, providing information about ways to help with home learning, communication about class and school events and anything extra that comes up along the way. Please feel free to comment on posts of class learning, ask questions or just have a look at our learning!