Sunday, April 30, 2017

Welcome back to Term 2

Here is a newsletter with information about the upcoming term. I will put a paper copy in the homework books tomorrow as well but I thought I'd put it on the blog as well. 

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Easter Creations

This afternoon Room 2 got to be creative and design something that came out of the Easter Egg. There are some pretty creative pictures - monsters, cats, rabbits, penguins and much more. What a class of amazing artists! 

We even found minion twins! 

Great job Room 2!

Rippa Rugby

Unfortunately Rippa Rugby has been cancelled this afternoon. The weather has not been very helpful which is a shame. 

Rugby Season - They were hoping to take registrations for rugby tonight. If your child is interested in playing rugby, let me know I can pass on the details for who to contact.   


Today was Isla's last day at school which is quite sad! Everyone made her a card.
We will all miss you Isla, but hope you have a wonderful time at your new school. We look forward to hearing how your new school is. Please send us a post card when you are settled in!

Reading Nights

Well done to everyone who has reached 25 nights of reading! The "reading nights" pictures are on display in the reading club (the little space between Room 1 and 2). Make sure you check them out!  

Keep up the great reading everyone!

Monday, April 10, 2017

Young Farmer

Thank you to all the people who were able to help out at the Young Farmer Competition and a big thank you to Claire for the great photos! There are some pretty confident and capable young farmers in Room 2...

Check out the link for more pictures of the event. Photo of Young Farmer Competition

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Pumpkin and Sunflower Day

What a fun afternoon. There were pirate pumpkins, mummy pumpkins, princess pumpkins and much more! Room 2 did really well and even managed to pick up some prizes for the best dressed pumpkin, the fastest pumpkin, the ugliest pumpkin, the 4th heaviest pumpkin, the biggest sunflower and the sunflower with the most heads (27). A big thank you must go to everyone who helped organise the day! 
Here are a few pictures from the day.