Sunday, May 21, 2017

A few writing stories from today...


We are learning to use adjectives in our writing. We are also learning to sound out tricky words quickly, underline them and move on with our story. 

Room 2 love sharing their stories and thought it would be neat to put some on the blog so other people could read them and see what they are learning to do in their writing! Some have just started their stories and some are finished but it's good to see the writing process and what writing looks like in Room 2. 

For today's writing we watched a short video clip where a boy went into a boring room with his favourite book and something magical happened....


Great work Room 2! There is lots of sounding out and moving on and some really awesome words! 

Two stars and a wish...

This is a form of self-assessment we use in the classroom. Two stars are for things that they have done really well. The wish is what they can do next (their next step). Sometimes this is done with a group. They read their story and the other students help them to spot their two stars and a wish. Sometimes it is done one to one. Room 2 is getting really good at knowing what they have done well and what they can work on next. We don't use two stars and a wish for every piece of writing. 

1 comment:

  1. What great story writing Room 2! I like hearing all those WOW words in you stories! They make the story much more interesting for an audience. Well done from Mrs Vullings and Room 1 children. Did you know that we are your audience as well?
